Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant
Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant

microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant
  1. #Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant install
  2. #Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant password
  3. #Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant download
  4. #Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant windows

The sooner problems can be resolved (and even better, resolved by customers before they need to call Microsoft), the better it is for customers and the lower the costs are for Microsoft. Which is why SaRA exists to help identity those issues and quickly narrow the possible root causes. And as they’ve learned, a lot of support calls are generated by factors outside of Microsoft’s direct control, such as client-side issues, network connectivity issues, DNS problems, and more. Microsoft is well aware of this, after all they take the support calls when things go wrong. Naturally you’re going to notice problems accessing and using Office 365 services from time to time. It’s true, Office 365 is a reliable, resilient service, which is remarkable considering the scale and complexity of the service.

microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant

The destination log directory path where this data is stored and accessed from is %localappdata%\SaRALogs\UploadLogs.“Office 365 is an extremely reliable service…” opens the Microsoft article announcing the availability of the new Support and Recovery Assistant (SaRA). The table below provides information such as scenario type, data collection source, data collection path and data collection files. To know more about what log files are created by SaRA, search for your scenario in the table below under the “Scenario” column and view the relevant information in the same row. If you are unable to sign in, your log files will not be sent to Microsoft.

microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant

Note, if you are not signed into SaRA when you click Send, you will be prompted to sign in. The following image is an example screen where log files are collected during a scenario and there are options to view the log files and to send the logs to Microsoft. The only time you would want to send log files from SaRA to Microsoft is when you are working with Microsoft Support and the log files need to be reviewed. When you run a scenario in Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant (SaRA), some log files may be created and you will be given an opportunity to send these files to Microsoft.

#Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant download

To download the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant follow these steps:Ĭlick the button below to download the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant. Installing Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant

#Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant windows

Identify issues with Outlook, Office Windows or MailboxĬreates a detailed report of my Outlook, Office, Windows and mailbox configuration The Teams User Presence for Outlook gives you the ability to check a Teams user's presence information correctly in Outlook. Issues with Teams user presence in Outlook The Teams Meeting add-in for Outlook gives you the ability to create a Teams meeting from an Outlook meeting invite Troubleshoots intermittent connection problems Outlook keeps saying "Trying to connect… " or "Disconnected".

#Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant password

This solution resolves Outlook password authentication issues This solution helps with issues when Outlook is unable to start Performs troubleshooting to assist in solving Office sign-in issues.

#Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant install

Install office so it can be activated and usedĪssistance with activating currently installed Office Resolves trouble with uninstalling Office The link will take you directly to the solution in Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant application. To resolve any of the problems listed below, simply click on the recommended solution for the associated problem to get started. If you are an enterprise customer, please go to Command-line version of the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant for more information.īelow are some of the frequently known issues that our users face. Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant scenarios can now be run using a command-line version.

Microsoft office 365 support and recovery assistant